K/A's first interaction with music was using DAWs just before the pandemic hit in 2020 and shut the entire world down. The Guatemalan artist spent much of his time in quarantine either modeling financial forecasts for his multiple ventures or exploring rhythms and sounds through mathematical algorithms in Ableton. This later led him to put his heart and mind into analog and semi-modular synthesizers, sampling devices, and distortion pedals to produce slow-experimental downtempo.

Despite not having an academic musical background, K/A creates melancholic, mysterious, and dense atmospheres using math, Bayesian statistics, and algorithms to formulate percussive patterns and synthetic melodies.

The musical instruments are triggered using MIDI signals generated from a Groove Machine programmed with a set of restrictions, conditionals, and probabilities. Algorithmic sequencers are used to produce sequences with a sense of variation and randomness, which are later distorted using analog pedals. K/A's synthetic and atmospheric soundscapes are the result of combining organic sounds, sometimes recorded by K/A himself, with synthetic and computer-generated sounds. His production process explores how human musical ideas can be translated into mathematical language to produce electronic music.