Las Bachas

Garage boys, saviors of rock n' roll, with vocals by Chato Bachas, guitars by Gethro Bachas, basses by JJ Bachas and rhythms by Espe Bachas. Las Bachas have two EP's called "Chachi" (2021) and "Bernie" (2023), the latter being released on cassette by the Citrus label cassette by Citrus City label in New York. Both materials are available on all digital platforms.

Las Bachas is formed by members and former members of Los Impuestos, Easy Easy, Madan Fun Too, Brujas, Volver, Hijos de Atreus, La Reina Está Muerta, Tenta, Sesiones del Dinosaurio, Desastres Naturales, Fuerza X, Bombardero, Hermaano, Old Friends, Nota Suicida, Feto Asado, A Beauty To Fight For, La La Lurch, Diferente Expectativa, Tinieblas, Nosé, Indata, Consecuencia 89 and Las Bachas.